Approaches of territory’s promotion to strengthen family agriculture and biological and cultural diversity

Approaches of territory’s promotion to strengthen family agriculture and biological and cultural diversityThey are multiple steps to promote a territory that are initiated by a variety of stakeholder. These systems that are all based on a paradigm of family forms of production are an asset to the valorisation of territories, the maintaining of biological and cultural diversity and the enhancement of products whose quality is linked to the origin. Some issues seem to deserve particular attention, being: approaches lead by public or private stakeholder, the taking into account of family forms of production in defining the procedures, the joint product/territory.

Facing multiple crises and processes of economic and cultural globalization, many territories are exploring the way of valuing local products whose quality is linked to the origin. Based on particular biological resources, local expertise, different organizational and production methods or proper food cultures, these products escape to some extent in standardization, price com- petition, the leveling of quality downwards. The judicious marketing of these differences may in turn contribute to the preservation and enhancement of local resources: biological, cultural, and organizational. New forms of organization and public and private governance are often necessary.

  • Case 1: Territorial Network RESPPECT
  • Case 2 : Biocultural Heritage Indicator System
  • Case 3 : Mediterr program

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